Social Media is making us unsocial. (TED talk 04)

 This is a very good topic to discuss. I agree with the message conveyed by this speech. I think that what is said is true. Kristin Gallucci shares about an experience she had. A few years ago, she attended a social media event. It was an event where people gather and share their ideas with audience. She said that many of the influencers had Spent years creating videos and sharing their stories and encouraging others to build authentic relationships. with this incident as a conclusion, many people chose to connect online rather than to connect with a human being. So, we can clearly understand that social media is making us unsocial. Social media is killing relationships. Social media is replacing experiences. Nowadays, social media is everywhere. It’s very powerful and it's growing day by day. According to the global web Index, we spend on average two hours a day on social media. And it's increasing at a rate of two minutes per day. The world is changing with every passing moment because of technological inventions. But technology is not the problem. The reality is we are slowly becoming addicted. As she said, we need to use social media as a support to build real relationships. Some of the most brilliant minds in the world think Silicon Valley tech have dedicated their lives to making social media more addictive. We need to get aggressive to get focus back. We can turn notifications off, delete social media apps from phones. The risks by using social media all the time is anxiety, isolation and depression. As she said, "Let's disconnect to connect.


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