Why students should have mental health days. (TED talk 03)
Hailey Hardcastle who was suffering from trauma induced anxiety and clinical depression from the age of 6, and because of that she started to help other kids who's having problems like her. She explains that even if everyone doesn't have her illnesses, but everybody has different mental health and mental illnesses can be manifested by physical ways such as nausea, headaches, fatigues and shortness of breath. When she was in first year of high school her hometown has had multiple suicide cases as she was the president of statewide group, she began to hear similar cases from students that had happened in their hometown. And because of that to get a solution for it in 2018 if the annual summer camp they held a forum with about 100 high school students to discuss teenage mental health. The second leading cause of death from age 10 to 24 is suicide in Oregon. Hailey Hardcastle made an organization called 'Students for A Healthy Oregon' with the help of mental health professionals they created a house bill 2191 which allows students to take mental health day off from school after a few months if hard work of campaigning and introducing that they could sign it into law in June 2019
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