evolution of technology in education
Evolution of Technology in Education
The society has been dramatically changed with the evolution of technology. Because of that, education systems also have been changed. The learning process for the students becomes easier as the technology progresses. Educational technology is the field of study that investigates the process of analyzing, developing, evaluation of learning materials and the learning process.
Actually, Technology is something a new concept for education. It has become an integral part of education. For an example, nowadays either you have to know your syllabus or want to clear a topic, everything is available in online. We can reach these platforms with the help of various technologies. In older days, students were use their books to read and if they faced any problem, Hey had to ask their teachers. But in today, technology become a part of education. Because of that students can easily get multiple options to solve their questions. And also there are multiple platforms where they can also ask a question or can have a live interaction with teachers. Easy access to Internet and also other helping apps have made education easy. These things are save our time.
By the evolution of technology in education, gives us many advantages, but there are also few disadvantages .They are decreased social skills and physical activities of students, technology can be isolating, ability to have unnecessary, uncontrolled and unfiltered information, expensive to setup and maintain and also it is limited the personal time. So, we must have to be aware from these advanced and also, we should have to use technology for educational activities properly. As a conclusion Technology has made education super easy and today we have multiple options to clear our doubts.
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