Multiple intelligence

 According to intelligence, people may not always possess their full potential for intelligence. This hypothesis went against the conventional wisdom that there is just one sort of intelligence, frequently referred to as "g" for general intelligence, which primarily emphasizes cognitive skills. 

Eight distinct categories of intelligence were suggested by Gardner. 

They do, 

1. Linguistic - Linguistic intelligence, which is included in Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, deals with sensitivity to spoken and written language, the capacity to learn languages, and the ability to use language to achieve specific goals. 

Careers include author, lecturer, and lawyer. 

2. Logical Mathematical - This intelligence entails the capability to conduct mathematical operations, perform mathematical operations, and conduct scientific investigations. 

Mathematics, accounting, and science as careers

3. Spatial intelligence – This ability to recognize and control patterns in smaller spaces is known as spatial intelligence. 

Careers include sculptor, surgeon, and chess player. 

4. Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence - Bodily kinesthetic intelligence is the capacity to solve problems or create products using one's entire body or specific body parts. 

Jobs include mechanic, athlete, and dancer 

5. Musical intelligence, which is the ability to perform, compose, and understand musical patterns. 

Careers include singer, composer, and musician. 

6. Interpersonal Intelligence - Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to comprehend the intentions, motivations, and desires of others and, as a result, to collaborate with others successfully. 

Careers include teaching, psychiatry, management, and sales.

7. Intrapersonal Intelligence: The ability to understand oneself, to have an effective working model of oneself, to have an effective working model of oneself, including one's own desires, fears, and capacities, and to use such information effectively in regulating one's own life. 

Careers: Psychologist, Therapist, and Counselor 

8. Naturalist intelligence is the ability to recognize and classify the various species of flora and fauna in one's environment. 

careers in biology, astronomy, and botany

I believe I possess the two intelligences mentioned above. They are logical, mathematical, and social intelligence. I've enjoyed math since I was a young child. Additionally, I consistently receive great results on tests. For me, solving arithmetic problems is a highly enjoyable game. I'm also socially intelligent. I can tell when someone is sad, angry, or both. I'm constantly working to increase my IQ.


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